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Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

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Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

Before We Start: | 开始之前

Disclaimer: | 声明:
This is only for advanced user only, EVERY time you modify your system, there is always the potential for an UNRECOVERABLE brick even though is very rare. I assume no responsibility if anything happened to your console.

What is Custom Firmware? | 什么是第三方固件

Custom Firmware (“CFW”) enables you to use more advanced things that userland homebrew can’t easily do. For instance, running homebrew applications.


Currently, all Nintendo Switches sold before July 2018 can run custom firmware. Switches sold after this point may only be exploitable if they are on firmware 4.1.0. This guide will include checking if your system is vulnerable.


What do I need to know before starting? | 开始前需要什么?

  1. Switch
  2. Windows PC | Windows 电脑
  3. USB A to USB C cable | A转C数据线
  4. 64GB or more SD card | 64GB以上储存卡

Although a Mac, Android or IOS device will also do, it’s not in the scope of this guide. Let me know if you want this part.


Getting Started | 开始

Finding your serial number | 找到你的机器序列号

This number can be found on the bottom of your Switch adjacent to the USB-C port, or in the Settings applet at System -> Serial Information.

序列号可以在机器底部充电口的旁边或者系统设置 → 序列号信息中查看

Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

System -> Serial Information

Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

bottom of your Switch

Determining if your Switch is vulnerable | 确定你的机器是否可运行第三方固件

Serial NumbersUnpatchedPotentially patchedPatched
XAW1XAW10000000000 to XAW10074000000XAW10074000000 to XAW10120000000XAW10120000000 and up
XAW4XAW40000000000 to XAW40011000000XAW40011000000 to XAW40012000000XAW40012000000 and up
XAW7XAW70000000000 to XAW70017800000XAW70017800000 to XAW70030000000XAW70030000000 and up
XAJ1XAJ10000000000 to XAJ10020000000XAJ10020000000 to XAJ10030000000XAJ10030000000 and up
XAJ4XAJ40000000000 to XAJ40046000000XAJ40046000000 to XAJ40060000000XAJ40060000000 and up
XAJ7XAJ70000000000 to XAJ70040000000XAJ70040000000 to XAJ70050000000XAJ70050000000 and up
XKW1N/AN/AXKW10000000000 and up
XKJ1N/AN/AXKJ10000000000 and up
XJW1N/AN/AXJW01000000000 and up
XWW1N/AN/AXWW01000000000 and up

If your serial number is on this list as “potentially patched”, follow the guide and see if your system works.

RCM | 恢复模式

For the best choice, this guide will only guide you through setting up EmuNand, if you want to use SysNand, this guide is not for you.


Pros of using emuNAND over sysNAND CFW: | EmuNand比SysNand运行第三方固件好在哪里:

Installing game cartridge dumps without “dirtying” sysNAND, allowing sysNAND to be used online without ban risk.


Entering RCM | 进入恢复模式

Power off the Switch and use one of the methods listed below to short the pins on the right joycon rail.

Hold Volume Up and press the Power button.



For beginners, I only recommend you use a RCM jig. If you want to use other methods to short the pins on the right joycon rail, do as you wish.


Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

RCM jig

Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

short the pins on the right joycon rail

Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

Hold Volume Up and press the Power button

If your Switch displays the Nintendo logo and boots normally or immediately shuts down, you didn’t successfully enter RCM and should try again. Otherwise, if your console did not turn on normally, and the screen remained black with no backlight, your Switch is in RCM.


Sending a Payload | 注入Payload

What you need | 你需要的工具

How to inject a payload | 如何注入payload文件

  1. Install and run TegraRcmGUI. | 安装并运行 TegraRcmGUI
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab, then press Install Driver and follow the on-screen instructions. | 选择设置窗口,并点击安装驱动
  3. Connect your Switch in RCM to your PC using the USB cable. | 将处于RCM模式的Switch连接电脑
  4. Navigate to the Payload tab of TegraRcmGUI. | 重新回到payload窗口
  5. Your Switch should be shown as detected in the bottom left corner. | 你的Switch应该会被显示已检测到并且红色的No RCM会显示为绿色的RCM OK.
  6. Press the file button next to Inject payload, and navigate to and select your payload .bin file. | 选择注入payload旁的文件图标并且找到选择你的payload文件
  7. Click Inject payload to launch the payload you selected. | 选择注入payload文件

Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

TegraRcmGUI Software

Partitioning the SD Card | SD卡分区

Before we start, if you are using a microSD card already as a storage device for your games, you will want to back up your Nintendo folder that is on the root of your microSD card to a safe place on your computer. This folder contains your downloaded games and game updates.


  1. Inject the TegraExplorer payload with your 64GB (or larger) SD card inserted into your Switch. | 将TegraExplorer注入到含64GB以上SD卡的Switch上
  2. If you forgot how to do this, re-read the sending payload section of the guide. | 如果你忘了怎么注入,请参考上面的教程
  3. Navigate to SD Format and press the power button to enter the SD format menu. | 用音量上下键选择SD Format选项,并按电源按钮进入
  4. Navigate to Format for EmuMMC setup and press the power button to confirm. | 选择Format for EmuMMC选项并且按电源键确认
  5. Read the warning, and press power after 10 seconds to format your SD card. | 通读警告,等待10秒后确认格式化
  6. Note: This will delete all data on your SD card. Make sure you backed up your Nintendo folder! | 这会擦除你SD卡上的所有内容,确保你备份好了自己的Nintendo文件夹
  7. Press any button to return to the main menu. | 待完成后按任意键返回
  8. Navigate to Exit and press the power button to enter the Exit menu. | 选择退出
  9. Navigate to Reboot to RCM and press the power button to reboot to RCM. It’s now safe to eject your sd card for the next part of the guide. | 选择Reboot to RCM并按电源键确认,现在你可以安全的拿出你的SD卡为后续工作准备了

If you get the issue that Windows says the SD card is unreadable and wants to format it, do not format! This is likely your emuMMC partition.


If your console’s screen remains black after you’ve sent Hekate, it’s possible your payload was corrupted, or that your console is patched. If your payload injector program shows that 0 bytes were sent, then it is definitely patched, so you’ll be unable to proceed with the rest of the guide.


SD Preparation | SD卡内容准备

  1. Go to https://www.sdsetup.com | 访问此网站
  2. Select Nintendo Switch | 选择 Switch
  3. Select the “Kosmos Defaults” package | 选择 Kosmos Default 选项
  4. If you think you know what you are doing, you can choose whatever CFW and options you wish.
  5. 如果你知道你在做什么并且需要什么,你可以自定义选择任何你想要的选项
  6. Select “Download your ZIP” | 选择下载压缩包
  7. This can take a while depending on your Internet speed and latency. Be patient. | 下载可能会需要一些时间,速度慢的自行代理
  8. Extract the ZIP file from SDSetup to a folder on your PC. | 将压缩包解压到电脑上
  9. The ‘sd’ folder contains all of the files that should go on your SD card. Copy all of the contents of this folder to the root of your SD card. | sd文件夹包含了所有需要放到你SD卡上的文件,拷贝里面的所有内容到你的SD卡
  10. After copying the SD card files to your SD card, insert it back into your Switch. | 完成后重新将SD卡放到机器上

Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

Your sd card should look like this | 你的sd卡内结构应该和此图类似

Safety Precautions | 保险措施

If you think you know what you are doing, you can skip if you want.


Backing up your NAND and BIS keys | 备份你的NAND和BIS密钥

By backing up your NAND (the Switch’s internal memory), you will later be able to restore it in the event that anything goes wrong, essentially rewinding it back to a previous state.


  1. In Hekate, select ‘Tools > Backup eMMC > eMMC BOOT0 & BOOT1’ | 在Hekate内,选择Tools ‘Tools > Backup eMMC > eMMC BOOT0 & BOOT1’
  2. When finished, close this tab and select ‘eMMC RAW GPP’ | 完成之后再选择eMMC RAW GPP
  3. It will cost about 32GB storage. Once finished remove your SD card (you don’t need to shutdown Hekate) and copy the ‘backup’ folder off of your SD card and put it in a safe location on your PC. Delete the ‘backup’ folder on your SD card and put SD card back | 这会消耗大概32GB左右的空间,请确保SD卡有足够的储存空间。完成后,将SD卡拔出(你不需要关闭hekate)并将backup文件夹拷贝到电脑上保存好并重新将SD卡放回机器内
  4. Close the Backup menu, go back to the Home tab and tap ‘Reboot > RCM’ | 关闭backup菜单,返回Home菜单并选择Reboot > RCM重新启动进RCM
  5. Send the “Lockpick_RCM.bin” payload provided in the SDSetup download to your Switch (if you do not have this payload, you can obtain it from GitHub. | 使用TergaRCMGUI重新注入Lockpick_RCM(在你之前下载的SDsetup文件夹中的payload内)
  6. Choose to backup your key in sysnand | 选择备份你的sysnand机器密钥
  7. Lockpick_RCM should now inform you that your keys have been saved to /switch/prod.keys on the SD card. | Lockpick_RCM之后会通知你的keys保存在SD卡/switch/prod.keys
  8. Press any button to return to the main menu. | 按任何键返回主菜单
  9. Navigate to ‘Power off’ with the volume buttons and select it with the power button. | 选择Power off选择并确认
  10. Insert your SD card into your PC. | 将你的SD卡插入电脑
  11. Copy prod.keys from the switch folder on your SD card to a safe location on your PC (it is suggested to copy it to the same place that you copied your NAND backup to). | 再将你的prod.keys放到电脑上安全的地方保存

Making the emuMMC | 配置emuMMC

Before you start, boot your switch normally, and delete all the wifi networks. You can add them back to your sysnand after completing this guide, NEVER connect to the internet when you are in CFW unless you know how to use incognito CFW or 90DNS.

在你开始设定emuMMC之前,正常启动你的switch并且删除所有wifi网络,并开启飞行模式(这是为了防止在你设置好emuMMC并且进入CFW之后自动联网并被老任检测而ban掉;你可以在设置完emuNand之后在原系统内开启wifi,第三方系统必须保持飞行模式除非你知道如何使用incognito CFW 或 90DNS)

1. Enter RCM and inject the Hekate payload | 机器进入RCM模式并注入Hekate Payload

2. Use the touch screen to navigate to emuMMC | 触屏选择emuMMC选项

Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

3. Tap on Create emuMMC, then select SD Partition | 选择Create emuMMC选项并选择SD partition

Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

4. Tap on Continue. It will start making the emummc now. After it’s done return to the emuMMC menu using the Close buttons | 选择Continue继续,当完成后通过Close返回

Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

5. Tap on Change emuMMC, then SD RAW 1 | 选择Change emuMMC之后选择SD RAW1

Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

6. Go back to the main menu | 完成后返回主界面

Launching CFW | 运行CFW

You should keep your emuMMC(emunand) offline (or with 90dns) at all times. Not doing this will likely result in a ban

你应该保证你的emuMMC固件始终保持离线(除非你会使用90DNS或者incognito CFW),不遵循这样很可能导致被ban

  1. Power on your Switch into RCM, and inject the Hekate payload | 机器进入RCM模式并注入Hekate Payload
  2. Navigate to Launch using the touch screen | 触屏选择Launch
  3. Find CFW EmuMMC and launch it | 选择CFW-EmuMMC启动

If you want to boot into stock rom, just select stock-sysnand, NEVER select CFW-sysNand, it will “dirty” your original Nand system.


Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

Once you successfully boot into the system, under system update, you should look like picture below. | 当你成功启动并进入系统后,在系统更新选项下,应该有如下类似的版本号

Complete Guide on How to Set Up EmuNand CFW on Nintendo Switch | 任天堂Switch设置EmuNand第三方Atmosphere固件最全教程

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